Luan Carlos
Robert Johnson
Jane Smith
Emily Davis
Tyler Durden


Spotlight effect is a great way to draw attention to a specific part of the page. Here, we are drawing the attention towards the text section of the page. I don't know why but I'm running out of copy.



1. Fork the Repository: Click the "Fork" button on the repository page to create a copy of the project in your GitHub account.

2. Clone the Repository: Clone the forked repository to your local machine using the command:


git clone

3. Create a New Branch: Create a branch to make your changes. Give it a name that clearly describes what you’re working on:


git checkout -b my-feature

4. Make Your Changes: Implement the necessary changes in the code, add new features, fix bugs, or improve the documentation.

To acess a components folder, go to app/your component/component/card-components.tsx Within the card array, place the card you want to add below all the others.



If your component is Tailwind , use this structure:


2 key={generateKey()}

3 iconColor="#fff" /* #fff or #000 */

4 information="Tailwind"

5 background="bg-green-950 or bg-[#212121]" /* Use one of these ways */

6 content={

7 /* Add your code here */

8 }

9 />,

If your component is Css , use this structure:

Randomly place 5 numeric digits in all your component classes to avoid conflicts with existing components and future components


1<button>Click me</button>

1<button class="button83501">Click me</button>


2 key={generateKey()}

3 iconColor="#fff" /* #fff or #000 */

4 information="Css"

5 background="bg-green-950 or bg-[#212121]" /* Use one of these ways */

6 content={

7 <div

8 dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{

9 __html: `

10 /* Add your html here */

11 <style>

12 /* Add your css here */

13 </style>

14 `,

15 }}

16 />

17 }

18 />,

5. Commit Your Changes: After completing your changes, commit them with a clear and descriptive message:


git add .

git commit -m "Add new feature for XYZ"

6. Push Your Changes to GitHub: Push your changes to your repository on GitHub:


git push origin my-feature

7. Open a Pull Request: GoGo back to the original repository and click "New Pull Request." Describe the changes you’ve made and why. This allows your adjustments to be reviewed and, if approved, merged into the main project.

8. Wait for Review: Our team will review your contribution. If everything looks good, your contribution will be merged into the project. If any changes are needed, we’ll provide feedback so you can make adjustments.